About the Program


Youth Science Media Challenge, a pan India Science Media competition, is an initiative  supported by National Council for Science & Technology Communication, Department of Science & Technology, Govt of India and is framed to scout for a broad level of understanding regarding science media among youth , ignite the minds and identify young “Harbingers of change” (undergraduate students) across India, who have ideas and potential for presenting the various issues pertaining to ecology, environment, climate change and sustainability in an interesting and innovative manner, using different media forms. The idea is to demonstrate the potential for scientific creativity and scientific temper in the youth and encourage these young minds who can be the catalyst for an empowered society and transformed India.


The project would facilitate youth to make sustainable relations with nature and spread the message across the society as in the core of each narrative will the development of better understanding of nature. The scientific narratives would be used to communicate the message to the masses for public engagement. The impact of this engagement would be assessed for making informed choices.

Develop immersive scientific narratives to promote a biophilic mindset

Demonstrate the Sci-media  talent & potential of young change-makers

Demonstrate the potential of novel channels for Creative Science Literacy, Scientific temper, Prototyping the futures

Promote Scientific Humanistic thinking, Real-time thinking, Universal values, Alternative thinking, Science Media with expression of ground sense, Potential of science media in different walks of life

Carry youth along professionally to emerge as new Sci-media professionals, Science educators

Encourage youth for finding new avenues and take up diverse roles as researchers, science creatives, science advertising, Sci-media Entrepreneurs, Change makers 

Develop Science Media Framework that can serve as a guide for future such initiatives and Blueprint of Science Media Academy

Promote science for sustainability

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